daily updates on your loved ones
Daughter On Call has embraced technology in an effort to provide transparency to clients and their families. By logging on to this system, families can read the daily care notes on their loved ones. This allows family members who are living a distance away to feel more connected to their loved one and the care that they receive from Daughter On Call.
Axiscare also enables our staff to log in and out of clients’ homes with an app that they download to their smart phones. They also do all their charting on their smart phones which is instantly available online for families to view.
When our office sends out open shifts to our staff, they can accept them using the app as well. They can also look weeks ahead to see what has been scheduled for them. The office can also send messages individually or as a selected group to all staff instead of calling each one separately. This technology allows all of our employees to stay connected to each other as well as to the office, and has proven to be a real time saver